ASSETSTREAM - complete joint exchanges and approach credit from the bank

As progressive as it sounds, Blockchain really is a system to bring everyone to the most important level of responsibility. No more missed exchanges, human or machine errors, or even unfinished trade with the approval of the included meeting. Above all, the most fundamental area in which the Blockchain causes is to ensure the legitimacy of exchanges by recording them on principle registration and related scattered register arrangements, all of which are linked through a secure approval component.
Assetstream is a blockchain-based financial institution for peer to peer transactions. This is a decentralized global microfinance platform that will replace the banking system into an unbank system using blockchain technology. In short, Assetstream wants to give tokens to banks and the financial system for easy transactions.
Solutions Offered by Assetstream
Assetstream is building a decentralized financial institution that will make people have access to financial services easily. They are building a bankless ecosystem that will make people manage their accounts and make transactions without the involvement of third parties. Assetstream is building a financial system that will make people have the option to conduct peer to peer transactions and have access to loans from lenders.
Upcoming ASSETSTREAM issues
- The banking system is centralized by the company and has a single system. This means that if there is a server interruption, it will affect everyone's account and the business will stop.
- The centralized financial system requires third parties to make transactions, which makes banks burden people in every transaction made through their system.
- Financial institutions are lacking in many of my areas. It is very clear that around 30% of the country's population cannot have access to financial institutions at their location. I can only say that banks only exist in rural locations in my country and I know the same thing happens in other countries.
- To open accounts with many financial institutions provides several legal documents that many people do not yet have. The account registration process at financial institutions is very busy and makes people lose enthusiasm to open accounts at conventional financial institutions.
- The centralized Banking system does not allow people to withdraw their savings. They determine to draw a certain amount of your money.
- A centralized financial institution does not offer loans to people who want to do business other than you have enough collateral or you have a mouth in the system.
Token Details
Token Name: AST
Token supply: 3,300,000,000 AST
Token Issued: 2,100,000,000
Token price: 0.01 USD
Soft-Cap: 1,440,000 USD
Hard-Cap: 21,000,000 USD
Distribution Token
64% Allocated to ICO
15% is allocated to Management and Advisors
8% allocated for marketing and promotion
5% is allocated for Business Development
4% allocated for product development
3% is allocated for Legal
1% is allocated to Bounty
About Sales Tokens

The unified financial framework is being controlled by a body and has a solitary framework. This implies that if there is a server interruption, it will affect everyone's records and the business will stop.
The integrated budget framework requires outsiders to make exchanges, thus making banks charge individuals at each exchange executed through their framework.
Organizations related to money are a necessity in many of my regions. It is certain that about 30% of my country's population cannot approach money-related foundations in their area.
To open a record with a lot of money related to the organization requires some authoritative reports that many people do not yet have. The way to register an account in a gloomy and sad money-related foundation that has denied much enthusiasm is opening notes with traditional monetary companies.
The concentrated financial framework does not allow individuals to withdraw their savings assets. They are limited to withdrawing certain cutoff points from your money.
The foundation associated with collected money does not offer credit to individuals who want to work together other than you have enough collateral or you have a mouth in the framework.
Use it as fuel in the AssetStream ecosystem
Improve your reputation for risk assessment
AST tokens can be used to attract friends and family to become lenders on the platform as a form of referral method
AST determination on the network will provide additional reputation for risk assessment for borrowers, lenders and even service providers
Settings Offered by Assetstream
Assetstream is building the foundation of a decentralized budget that will cause individuals to approach the monetary administration directly. They build an environment that does not have a bank account that will cause individuals to deal with their records and complete exchanges without outside associations. Assetstream is building a framework related to money that will cause individuals to have the choice to complete joint exchanges and approach credit from banks.
All together for the purpose of Assetstream to make sense, they tokenize budget organizations to use cryptographic money. Therefore, the stage has presented their custom token named "AST" which will be used at this stage. Each AST token holder can lend cash to other pear clients and win enthusiasm from the stage.

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Author : Tuyul Gupies
Profile :;u=926616
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